One ofthe most distressing aspects of divorce relates to the custody and future care of the children of the marriage. When a dispute arises as to custody, and the parents cannot agree upon a course of future care for their children, it becomes the duty of the court to prescribe a custodial arrangement that will be in the best interests of the children. In a custody conflict, the best interests of the children is the primary consideration of the court in resolving the dispute. The matrimonial attorneys at Sarisohn Law Partners LLP are highly trained and knowledgeable in the law pertaining to a parent's rights to custody. Therefore you, the client, can be assured that your point of view and perspective will be forcefully presented in order to convince the court that it would be in the best interests of the children, and the parties, to resolve the custody dispute in your favor.
Usually, one parent will have physical custody of the children, and the other parent will have visitation. If the parties cannot agree upon a visitation schedule, the court will order a suitable schedule of visitation. Of course, what is a suitable visitation arrangement varies from case to case, but regardless of the variations, the best interests of the children is the dominant consideration.
Many years of experience have taught our highly trained matrimonial attorneys to be sensitive to the emotional turmoil experienced by a person, whether a man or a woman, going through a divorce. As a result, you, the client, can be assured of aggressive representation by an attorney who both understands your needs, and the intricacies involved in representing you in negotiations, or in the litigation process before the court.